We human beings are a curious lot aren’t we? Considered the most intelligent species and highest in the food chain, take away our clothes – strip us naked, and you’d find that we males and females have the same software, the same hardware and more or less the same units as the other with absolutely no exceptions (unless disabled or handicapped).
What then is it that makes some people take advantage of some people and yet treat like royalty the others? There seems to be something in our human nature that asks us to take advantage of the weakest link and twist it to our gain whilst ignoring the moral statements it incidentally voices loud acclaim of, of our own fickle characters – characters indulged in stepping on the already downtrodden or exploiting the vulnerable. What makes us so diseased as to differentiate between one human and the other?
I noticed just the other day, how flattering (and sickeningly so), some people are to me on knowing who I am and yet how undeniably condescending they can be to others who bare the very same traits of quietness and thoughtfulness that I do. Just because one has a pretty face and an attractive personality it doesn’t mean that person is not on par with the more morose looking counterpart with a rough-edge personality and a good heart now, does it?
We Sri Lankans are known for our hospitality. Thoughts of the beaming smile and the pleasant “ayubowan” we are famous for would make anyone long to be here to catch a glimpse of the warmth and to taste Lanka’s love and cordiality. But society in general especially in Colombo, has sunk to the very depths of depravity in its careless segregation of ourselves.
The “Hi” Magazine is one of the biggest culprits of this segregation and one cannot but help shrivelling up one's nose at the gala parties and glittering high society functions that wreak of wine, women, song and dance. The sweaty skin and the bright colours. The champagne and splashing of wine – the elite social group that revels in that kind of living is fine with me, if only they would quit acting baboon and moronic on the simpler unassuming, quieter folk who don’t have the parties and do their living quietly, with almost half as much contacts and as little cash.
I think we are all guilty of making distinctions and treating people differently for whatever reason it may be. But just for a change, lets be nice – lets be AS nice to someone who seems to be of a different “class” than we are, and stretch out a hand to humanity in general. Let’s act like animals for a change, and shed this human trait of differentiating. Shall we?
HIGHLIGHTS – Army SC vs Navy SC – Plate Segment – Mastercard Inter-Club ‘A’
Division Rugby League 2024/25
Here are the highlights of the Rugby Encounter between Army SC and Navy SC
in the Plate Segment of Mastercard Inter-Club ‘A’ Division Rugby League
2 hours ago
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