Friday, May 29, 2009

Pada Show comments :)

I'm sorry to deviate from the usual posts but I couldn't help wanting to share excerpts from "Padashow"'s post about my blog which had me in stiches!!! Here are a few of the things he had to say, said in its funniest form which is why I'm highly tickled :)

"The moment this page loads your eyes are assaulted by something that looks like it was shat out of satan’s dog. Such a perversion of a blogger template we have never laid eyes on before."

"Don’t bother reading the content, there is none. This pada-head thinks he/she/it will be found more interesting by copy-pasting a dictionary definition into the about box. No you fuckwit, it just makes you look even more shallow than you are, which is about as shallow as a mud puddle on the surface of the sun."

Hillarious!!! Whatsmore, after Padashow critiques my dictionary definition of the word "chill" and expresses how horrified he is by the blinding glare of my template, he goes on to say ..

"Put yourself through the torture of reading text that is just glaring back at you and you will see that really, you would rather kill yourself than read"

Finally he ends up by calling my blog a blog of "deranged ramblings" :)

"You are too confused to be alive. Please go use this ’spiritual, mental, emotional and social tool’ to dispatch you to the depths of hell where you belong and nobody but the vilest creatures of this planet will have to listen to your deranged ramblings."

If there ever was a more entertaining troll, I'd challenge him to combat "padashow" who definitely made my day.. :)


  1. hey you!! you've been tagged!
    argh!! and I cant paste the link for some twisty reason??? check me bloggy k?

  2. lol.. he's a over the top for sure, but you have to admit though, that his 'jarabaraas' bit was hilarious. :)

  3. Oh!!! Thanks blackexists!
    Will let you know the 5 words... will post it on your blog :)

  4. padashow rocks. this was by far cooler than the jarabaras bit. i personally don't liket the word chill. however your writing's i empathize with, though maybe not particularly at this very moment. anyway between you and padashow, the entertainment's great. don't get too bitter only.

  5. I'm so sorry Someone Important, didn't understand what you meant by the "I personally don't liket the word chill" ...

    And yes :) the entertainment IS great isn't it?


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